Day 11: Exmouth to Port Hedland – Meeting Our New Grandson

The Journey Begins: Exmouth to Nanutarra

Our day unfolded with immense excitement as we embarked on a 777-kilometer journey from Exmouth to Port Hedland. This trip was not just another travel venture; it was marked by the joyous anticipation of meeting our new grandson, Korbyn and getting cuddles from his big brother Rhyatt. Our hearts brimmed with an adventurous spirit as we set off, ready to navigate through the rugged terrains of Western Australia. The first leg of our journey took us from Exmouth to Nanutarra, situated approximately 275 kilometers along our route.

Nanutarra, a quaint and remote roadhouse stop, offered a brief but welcomed respite from the long drive ahead. As we journeyed through this section, the arid landscape of the region became profoundly evident. The Yannari River, along with multiple other rivers we encountered, lay dry, accentuating the drought-prone nature of this part of Western Australia. The parched riverbeds served as a stark reminder of the environmental challenges prevalent in these regions, where water scarcity is a persistent concern.

Our drive was punctuated by frequent glances at the barren expanses, offering minimal vegetative cover and underscoring the harshness of the terrain. Nevertheless, these views held a unique beauty, encapsulating the raw and unyielding character of the Australian outback. The isolated vastness, coupled with occasional wildlife sightings, rendered an untouched and tranquil quality to our voyage, providing a serene backdrop as we progressed towards Nanutarra.

Despite the challenging environment, the road was well-maintained, ensuring a smooth drive. The sparse settlements and minimal traffic contributed to a sense of solitude, making the journey both meditative and reflective. Our arrival at the roadhouse marked the end of this first leg, readying us for the subsequent kilometres ahead.

Through the Heart of the Pilbara: Nanutarra to Karratha

After a brief stop in Nanutarra for refreshments and a much-needed fuel top-up, we resumed our journey through the heart of the Pilbara region. Our drive took us through an array of small yet significant locations, each contributing uniquely to the area’s charm and economy. One such place was Mardie, a hamlet that plays a crucial role in salt production. The vast salt flats stretching out under the glaring sun created a surreal landscape, a stark reminder of the enterprising spirit that thrives even in such remote locales.

Continuing our journey, we encountered Roebourne, which holds the distinction of being one of the oldest towns in Western Australia. A place steeped in history and culture, Roebourne offers glimpses into the past, featuring well-preserved colonial architecture and heritage sites. Despite its historic aura, the town has embraced modernity while preserving its unique character, making it a fascinating stopover for anyone traveling through the region.

We then proceeded to Karratha, a burgeoning city renowned for its resource-rich industry and rapidly expanding infrastructure. Karratha stands as a testament to the region’s economic vitality, driven predominantly by the mining and gas sectors. The cityscape is marked by ongoing construction and development projects, underscoring its growth and potential. Our quick stop here allowed us to witness firsthand the dynamism of this urban center in the midst of the rugged outback.

Throughout our journey, the presence of dry rivers continued to be a recurring motif, illustrating the harsh yet captivating beauty of the Australian outback. These parched waterways painted a striking image of the land’s resilience and stark natural allure. Traveling through the Pilbara was indeed an eye-opening experience, granting us a profound appreciation for this remote and rugged part of the country. The Pilbara’s diverse and stunning landscapes, coupled with its rich cultural heritage and economic significance, have left an indelible mark on our voyage.

Exploring Remote Settlements: Karratha to Sherlock

Our departure from Karratha marked the beginning of a journey that ventured into increasingly desolate terrain, a stark contrast to the town’s bustling mien. As we traveled eastward towards the remote settlements of Cooya Pooya and Sherlock, the sparsity of human presence became strikingly evident. These areas are seldom visited by travelers, offering a unique and intimate view into the way of life that defines remote Western Australia. The left behind urban activity and traded it for the unfiltered allure of nature.

The landscape showcased a captivating variety of features. Rugged red dirt mingled with broad expanses of spinifex-covered plains; the horizon was punctuated by distant hills that seemed to rise out of the ground like sentinels of the outback. The alternating scenery, from the plains to the rocky terrains, highlighted the raw beauty of this region. Here, the sense of solitude was nearly overwhelming but simultaneously meditative, with the vastness of the outback underscoring the insignificance of human presence amidst its grandiose scale.

Despite their seclusion, the settlements of Cooya Pooya and Sherlock exude a distinctive charm. It is a charm that spells resilience, borne out of the necessity to adapt and flourish in one of the world’s most challenging environments. The sense of community in such isolated places is profound, shaped by shared experiences and a collective spirit that weather the adversities of the landscape. The sheer remoteness of these areas instills a sense of wonder and introspection, as the vastness and silence prompt travelers to reflect on their own journey.

The long and straight roads that stretched out before us were a testament to the isolation of this leg of our trip. Encountering few vehicles, we felt as if we were embarking on a solitary adventure into the depths of the wilderness. The slow, unhurried pace of travel allowed us to fully absorb the natural beauty around us, appreciating the splendor of the untouched Australian outback in its true essence.

Arrival in Port Hedland: Reunion and Relaxation

Finally, after a long day of driving, we reached our destination—Port Hedland. This bustling harbor town, known for its significant role in the Australian iron ore industry, was a welcome sight. The journey, though arduous, culminated in the most rewarding experience of our trip: meeting our new grandson, Korbyn, for the first time. The joy that filled our hearts as we held him in our arms, cuddled his big brother Rhyatt & hugged our son and daughter in law that we haven’t seen in months is truly beyond description. This moment, cherished above all, signifies family, love, and new beginnings.

Port Hedland, with its unique charm and industrial significance, would be our home for the next week. The town, a key player in Australia’s economy, boasts a thriving harbor and extensive shipping activities. While it thrives on its industrial prowess, Port Hedland retains an inviting and warm atmosphere, particularly welcoming for visitors like us. Family is at the heart of our stay, and we eagerly anticipate the days ahead. We will do some exploring whilst we are here.

Beyond the emotional fulfillment, our week in Port Hedland promises relaxation and rejuvenation. After the thrill and anticipation of the journey, we look forward to tranquil moments, embracing both the gentle rhythm of family life and the picturesque allure of this harbor town. We plan to explore local sights, indulge in some leisure activities, and truly soak in everything that Port Hedland offers. Whether it’s a quiet afternoon by the harbor or a local tour to appreciate the town’s industrial heritage, each day holds the promise of new memories and experiences.

This blend of reunion with relaxation makes our stay in Port Hedland uniquely special.

Whilst in Port Hedland we stayed at Discovery Parks but you will also find many affordable hotels.

Spend the next five days with us in Port Hedland.

These photos were taken with an iPhone . Please see our photography page for the professional photos.


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